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Fort worth area psychological association

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FREE Ethics and/or Diversity Professional Development

  • 15 Sep 2018
  • 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM (UTC-04:00)
  • UNTHSC EAD Luibel Lecture Hall First Floor


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FREE Ethics and/or Diversity Professional Development 

Licensed Psychologists Only


Saturday, Sept 15, 2018

Ethics 9:00 - Noon 

Ethics and the Texas Psychology Legislative Issues 

Presented by 

Michael Flynn, J.D., Ph.D. & 

David White, Executive Director of TPA



Texas Psychology Legislative Issues:

1. Describe the current state of TSBEP and how the 2017 sunset legislation had an impact on the agency.

2. Explain 3 rules that were changed based on the 2017 legislation.

3. Explain what current rules could be affected by the2019 sunset legislation.

1. Understand language necessary to make office forms enforceable.

2. Understand important steps take and things not to do in response to requests for client records.

3. Understand how to arrange for disposition of records in the event of a psychologist's death or disability.

Lunch on your own  12:00 - 1:00

Diversity 1:00 - 4:00

The Telos Project & Gaming Addiction

Presented by

Anthony Bean, Ph.D.


The Telos Project serving Low SES population:

1. Learn more about the challenges of serving this population.

2. Have a greater understanding of how to serve this population and what to expect.

Video Game Addiction:

1. Understand and explain online social interactions and identify the different models of human interaction.

2. Remember and distinguish the different genres and the composite of the genres clearly and accurately delineating them from one another.

3. Create a plan on how to therapeutically work with video gamers using the concepts to battle anxiety and depression through the game mechanics.

LOCATION: UNT Health Science Center
Everett Education & Administration Building

Luibel Lecture Hall (1st floor)

3500 Camp Bowie Blvd
Fort Worth Texas 76107
Fort Worth Area Psychological Association


P.O. Box 471432

Fort Worth, Tx 76147


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